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  • Writer's pictureSophia Smith

The truth about belly fat

Updated: Dec 19, 2021

Washboard abs are seen as the ultimate sign of athleticism, discipline and aesthetics by both the public and fitness professionals alike. Messages like ‘Abs are made in the kitchen, built in the gym’ make it seem like sheer will power alone is the reason some people have them and others don’t.

There are a few things that can influence why we hold fat around our mid-section. Ranging from genetics, diet, hormones and gender.

A few belly facts

  1. Washboard abs are not simply a result of crunches, planks or v-sits but rather the overall percentage of body fat you have.

  2. Washboard abs are not an indicator of core strength, bigger bodies can have a high level of core strength.

  3. Your body requires a minimum level of fat to support your metabolic processes. If you get too lean, your body may stop functioning at a basic level compromising processes like digestion and menstruation.

  4. People with metabolic syndrome typically can carry more weight around the middle. It’s thought that having a narrower waist and wider hips, lowers the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and other complications of metabolic syndrome.

  5. There are three layers of abdominal muscles. The superficial rectus abdominis (your visible six pack) is just one. The deeper core muscles, transversus abdominis, obliques, diaphragm and pelvic floor, work to stabilize the spine, improve mobility, breathing, and posture.

  6. If you’ve lost a lot of weight, you may have loose skin preventing you from seeing definition on your stomach. You can still build abdominal strength, though excess skin cannot generally be tightened through diet and exercise.


Some people are genetically predisposed to having less belly fat because they’re a naturally lean body type.

Your body type, fat percentage, strength and flexibility is somewhat inherited and there’s an element of working with what you’ve got to maximise outcomes, set realistic goals and expectations for yourself.

Understanding your genetic start point and how your body naturally responds to diet and exercise can go a long way to supporting your health and fitness goals.


You cannot out train your diet. Generally speaking the biggest influence on your fitness outcome whatever your goal tends to come from the foods you eat, the rest from exercise and recovery.

Norishing nutrition supports your hormonal health and digestive system, both of which can aid the reduction of belly fat.

Inflammation of the gut and poor digestion can often make you appear bloated around the middle.

You could start by reducing or completely removing refined sugar and processed foods. Be mindful of your alcohol consumption; choose whole fresh produce where possible.

Many processed foods have no nutritional value, contain additives and are linked to excess fat gain. Increasing the amount of fibre in your diet will support digestion, as will staying hydrated by drinking water throughout the day.


Hormones are chemical messengers that carry signals around the body. These signals can be influenced by the food you eat and emotional balance you maintain. Insulin resistance is a hormonal imbalance that can contribute to belly fat.

When we eat, our blood sugar levels spike and a hormone called insulin is released to help manage this.

If this happens too often and drastically, our body stops responding to the insulin and becomes ‘insulin resistant’ a consequence of which can be cravings and excess body fat, particularly around the belly. Insulin resistance is a precursor to metabolic diseases like type 2 diabetes.

Prolonged stress can elevate levels of the ‘stress’ hormone cortisol, leading to fatigue and belly fat.

It’s also thought that increased exposure to cortisol is associated with more belly fat in women.

Managing your blood sugar levels with nutritional therapy and mood enhancing foods, alongside stress reduction techniques like deep mindful breathing, can help to rebalance hormones and improve your overall health and wellbeing.


Women have a naturally higher percentage of overall body fat specifically in the hips, butt, and legs, whereas men tend to gain weight in the upper body.

Female bodies can change after child birth, the abdominal wall may become weaker and there could be loose skin around the tummy reducing the likelihood of seeing a six pack.

As a result, it’s important to use both resistance training to build muscle and aerobic conditioning to help burn fat. Muscle also burns more calories while you rest.

The truth about belly fat is:

  1. There are reasons, some beyond your control, as to why you either struggle with developing a six pack or find it easy. Genetics, lifestyle and nutrition are key factors

  2. Ask yourself why having 'abs' is important to you and what they represent. As a superficial 'health' metric, consider how having visible abs align with your overall wellness.

  3. You can build abs like any muscles in the body. However to see them, you have to lose the fat obscuring them. Fat cannot be lost from specific areas via ‘spot reduction’, it’s an all or nothing affair.

  4. To lose excess body fat, move mindfully and eat foods that nourish you, in quantities suitable for you. Get enough sleep, incorporate resistance training into your workouts, manage stress and be mindful of your alcohol consumption.

  5. Set your ladder against the right wall work towards strength, enjoyment and longevity as primary goals, ‘the beach body’ including washboard abs may be a bi-product, or not.

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